Saturday, November 14, 2009

DJ AM's family suing aviation company for his death from drugs

DJ AM's estate is suing Clay Lacy Aviation, the company that chartered the plane that crashed carrying DJ AM and his colleagues. The family alleges wrongful death because "the crash ultimately caused Adam Goldstein's death." The suit states DJ AM began taking various drugs--prescription and street pharmaceuticals--due to emotional distress and burns suffered in the accident. The estate has also filed suit against Lear Jet, Goodyear Tire Co., the travel service that arranged their air travel, and the estates of the two plane pilots who perished in the crash.

DJ AM died of a prescription and cocaine drug overdose more than a year after that fateful plane crash. Reportedly, his body was found in bed with a bag of crack cocaine by his groin and a crack pipe at the ready; he had pill bottles in his kitchen. He had reportedly developed a dependence on benzodiazepines and Xanax due to his anxiety about flying. Friends say the benzos triggered a relapse to his drug of choice: crack cocaine. The question becomes, just how culpable are others for someone's illicit drug use? I also have to ask where was his family and friends while he was using? It seems to me they should have sought to hold someone responsible for the plane crash prior to his death.
I am on the fence about this one; it seems clear to me that doctors and handlers were largely responsible for the deaths of Michael Jackson and Anna Nicole Smith. I don't know enough about the AM case to come to a firm conclusion. I do believe sometimes people are just...crackheads...people who made poor choices and reallly have no one to blame but themselves. I'll be looking out for updates to this case.


  1. this is just people trying to make money off of the man's death. i agree with you on this one, safari. at some point people have to be held responsible for their own roles in their drug use.
    to me this is the equivalent of someone blaming their terrible parents for them using drugs. some people say that since mj's fire injury, he's been on painkillers. so i guess the jacksons should blame pepsi for his death. then again, let me not give those fools any ideas.

  2. People need to look at all the facts before they go blaming DJ AM.

    He started using crack when he was young, but then he got clean and stayed clean for ELEVEN YEARS. He was still clean when he got into that plane crash. He made sure he stayed away from any and all drugs because he was afraid he might relapse.

    Then, through no fault of his own, he got into a plane crash and suffered burns. He was PRESCRIBED painkillers by a doctor to help with the pain from the burns. But he had an addictive personality and those painkillers opened the door to him using illegal drugs again. (To the ignorant clout above: being prescribed painkillers for an injury is nothing like blaming your parents for your drug use.)

    My point is, the man tried hard to stay clean. He was successful for 11 years. He never would have gotten back into drugs if that crash hadn't happened and he hadn't sustained those burns. He only had 2 options: not take the painkillers and suffer the pain or take the painkillers and risk becoming an addict again. Unfortunately, he did become an addict again.

    It's a sad story. People need to stop pretending he was another run-of-the-mill drug addict who never tried to better themselves. There were extenuating circumstances here.

  3. I am sick of people trying to blame others for someone's actions. This idiot had a choice. This situation is different from Michael's b/c the dr injected him. DJ AM used crack. Not saying one is better than the other and I am not defending MJ's drug abuse. However, enough is enough. DJ AM along with every other drug addicts know the consequences of drugs. If you have an addictive personality-you learn to channel that. You talk to the dr in regards to this and find other ways to fight through the pain. The aviation company didn't put a crack pipe in his hands. DJ AM made a choice. It's one thing for it to be a RX drug overdose but he was found with CRACK COCAINE. Any judge should laugh this crappy lawsuit out of the courtroom. Their cash cow is dead and now they have to find a way to make money. Just like the idiot who sued McDonald's over hot coffee and won. S***, a person knows coffee is hot-just ignorance at the highest form.
    @5:37p-yes, he was just another drug addict just like MJ and countless others.

  4. I agree. Crack use makes you a crackhead no matter how long he had been clean. AM was prescribed painkillers. If he had ODed off those it would be one thing but he ODed from CRACK. Totally different drug NOT a painkiller. Face it he was a crackhead!
