Friday, October 2, 2009

More Good Hair with Chris Rock and Oprah


  1. Please take a moment to check out my documentary film BLACK HAIR

    It is free at youtube. 6 parts including an update from London, England.

    It explores the Korean Take-over of the Black Beauty Supply and Hair biz..

    The current situation makes it hard to believe that Madame C.J. Walker once ran the whole thing.

    I am not a hater, I am a motivator.

    Plus I am a White guy who stumbled upon this, and felt it was so wrong I had to make a film about it.

    self-funded film, made from the heart.

    Can it be taken back?


  2. Dag you all have errybody reading your blg don't you?

  3. This should be a good movie also. I'm a little irritated by all the people outside our community who treat it like a visit to the zoo but I guess its good to start a dialogue.
