Saturday, October 3, 2009

When Blogging goes wrong: Woman adopts black baby then sends it back 18 months later...

Anita Tedaldi, mother to five girls and wife to a deployed soldier, adopted a South American boy who’d been abandoned by the side of a road. The boy failed to develop a familial bond with Tedaldi or her daughters (like somehow it was his fault). So Tedaldi “returned” her adopted son like a failed product after eighteen months of being his mother. Of course, Tedaldi wrote a blog about her experience and it caught the attention of the NY Times and the Today show. Mind you Tedaldi also wrote an article entitled, 'We Can't Trade In Our Children or Husbands', in January 2008 on the site

After Anita made her decision, the adoption group found "Baby D" a home with another family, and, according to Anita, he is doing well. Do you think we should be able to trade in children like pokemon cards or she did the appropriate thing by trying to right an untenable situation.


  1. Some friends told me about this case. I think once you adopt a child you vow to give them a home and love forever not as long as it is convenient for you. Would she have put one of her daughters up for adoption just because it "didn't feel right"?

    Black Brit

  2. i agree that this is awful. the child had developmental issues so of course he had a hard time connecting to them. i think that she resented having a child that had needed extra attention. its hard to care for developmentally challenged children, and i think she simply bit off more than she could chew.

  3. She knew the child had issues before she got him. What a selfish bitch! From all the video and pictures he looks happy. I have no idea what she's talking about they "didn't bond".

  4. The world, as we know it, is truly coming to an end. Any time you can "give back" a child you vowed to love and protect because of WHATEVER reasons is a true sign of the times. God bless our children. God bless America.
