Thursday, September 3, 2009

Madonna's daughter better be a little bit more than "like" a virgin

The humping at the 3:00 mark is priceless.

Madonna's 12-year-old daughter Lourdes played dress-up in her mother's 1984 costume from the "Like A Virgin" video and tour; Lourdes donned the costume to appear in the second video version of her mother's hit single "Celebration." Madonna has also been bringing her out on stage for her appearances in her "Sticky and Sweet" world tour.

I'm beginning to think Michael Jackson was on to something by shielding his children from the media and controlling their access to movies and music. I think more parents should step up and monitor what their children watch and listen to; children should be children, not young whores in training.

Let me say I stan for Madonna. I listened to all her songs as a child. I loved "Like A Virgin," but the label that always followed Madonna was trashy and whorish. She embraced that. It became part of her persona to be overtly sexual. It worked for her and continues to contribute to the longevity of her fame. My problem comes when you transfer that to a child, a pre-teen at that. I think we, as a country need to take a long hard look at why there is such a dichotomy between somewhat acceptable sexualized imagery of children and unacceptable child sexuality.

R. Kelly's career continues to suffer because of allegations he had sex with a minor girl. (He has not been convicted of those charges, but the stigma remains.) On the other hand you have Miley Cyrus posing nearly nude for Vanity Fair magazine, Vanessa Hudgens star of perennial pre-teen favorite Disney's High School Musical franchise splashed topless across the internet (she is over 18 now), an underaged Britney Spears posing in a bra and panty shorts or flirting in a school girl micro-miniskirt, and Abercrombie and Fitch is selling thongs for little girls. Don't even get me started on Beyonce's teenaged gyrations--I could go on and on; why does America accept all these sexualized images of children? What message is this sending to children and society as a whole?


  1. Madonna is a ho. She gonna raise them 2 girls to be hos to.

  2. This is a shame. I agree we don't let children be children. Everyone is in such a hurry to grow up. You have the rest of your life to be grown is what my Granny used to say.

  3. I agree parents have to be more proactive in the way they raise their children. Girls need a strong father figure in their lives so they don't constantly seek approval from all the men they date.
