Friday, September 4, 2009

She Forgot the Chips....

Grocery store cameras caught the woman taking a 24-can case of beer from a cooler, exposing the 20-pound case between her thighs by pulling up her housedress, pulling her dress back down, and waddling out of the store. But it took a while to identify and find her.

Lisa Newsome, 42, of Baker, didn't deny anything when she was arrested Monday, said Capt. David McDavid of the Zachary Police Department."She wanted to demonstrate it ..." he said. "I told her, no thanks, I wasn't into that."

The theft was Aug. 22. McDavid said police learned the woman's identity last week and located her Monday afternoon. She was booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison on a theft charge. If she's not careful the Miller High Life Dude gonna jump outta there talkin' about "Oh,HELL NAW, this ain't the high life up in hee-aa!" and snatch his case back...


  1. *I would give hime some. I mean, I dont know the man.

  2. I love that Miller High Life dude. he's fat as fuck but I swear I give him some. Is that nasty? LOL

  3. at least have a Miller wit him first

  4. that heffa had some stron-n-toned thigh muscles to pull this off. wonder if she used to work the pole?
