Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hope the Bank Didn't Repo the Clothes

With major designers pulling out and downsizing their Shows For NYC's Fashion Week, is there room now for "She by Sheree"? According to the official Fashion Week schedule, her models and clothes will be coming down a runway located on the corner of Avenue Sheree 4 Lane B on Sunday 9/13. Plenty of good seats available. You can check out Sheree's line HERE.

Next question, how can her broke-ass sponsor this show?
Here are the details of her finalized divorce with former baller Bob Whitfield:
-Primary custody of their two children
-$2,142 a month in child support
-Shares of three other NFL retirement plans
-2006 Range Rover Sport
-$250,000 share of his NFL Player 401(k) plan
-Two cash payments totaling $775,000


  1. i looked at the site and i saw that she is going to sell the "who gon' check me boo?" shirts. i voted for the first one, because i'm a grown ass woman and i don't want some chick's face on my clothes (that's IF i buy one). she already did the fashion show, so the site should at least show what some of the clothes are looking like.

  2. Bravo will probably put the money up, since they don't have Project Runway anymore. They'll be more than willing to pay to capture the guaranteed drama that will take it an investment.
