Thursday, August 20, 2009

What Is Wrong With This Cover?


  1. How can you just lose weight from tha waist down? She ain't no damn size 6 eitha. More like a 18!

  2. NOW size 6 is Sherrie Sheppard. THEN size 16 look like Monique unless a nigga trippin. What the?

  3. maybe they meant her feet?

  4. She is still built like the Tazmanian Devil. Her upper body will rival that of a linebacker. I agree....she is no size 6.

  5. i STILL say she could be a size six. she's got a small frame and she's top heavy. so she's still got some body fat. if she lost most of the body fat, she could get down to a size 2. as honest as sherri is about her past, i don't see her lying about her size.

  6. lmao..."her upper body will rival that of a linebacker" thats funny!

  7. they couldn't have airbrushed a six out of her ass because they tried

  8. She looks like she's wearing a floatation device on her upper body. Malika is smoking that good stuff if she thinks this woman can be a size 2. That's her emotional age not her dress size.

  9. She ain't wear no size 16 before either. More like 26. I think they are omiting a 10 from each size. Plus 41 pounds doesn't take you down 10 sizes. She lyin.

  10. she didn't get to no size six on five tasty meals a day
