Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Blame T-Pain

Mariah Carey's newly-released single "Obsessed" features the eight-octave ranged chanteuse singing with a *VOCODER*. When you have a voice like that, why on earth mask it with a machine? That type of trickery should be reserved for one's colleagues like JLo and Cassie. I'm also not sure how I feel about the slicked-down hair either, but she looks hot. Her promo shots show absolutely no signs of the thickness and rolls that have surfaced recently on the net. Mariah knows how to get right when it counts. Click here to listen.


  1. that's like Luther using a man Roger should have made MORE BOUNCE TO THE OUNCE then immediately threw that thing off a bridge....

  2. I like it I don't care for the vocoder but over all I would buy it.

  3. Mimi is a good artist. She just did the vocoder because it is popular right now. We all know she can sang.

  4. Mimi looks hot in this photo.

  5. TPain and Taylor Swift?!

  6. She looks like Wendy Williams here. Not a good look.

  7. Mariah will always be at the top of her game. The only reason Beyonce and Rihanna sell records is because Mariah takes breaks every now and then to enjoy her life.
