Thursday, June 18, 2009

Amber Rose wants to do Nicki Minaj

I really hate to give either one of these chicks shine right now, but here goes.

Amber Rose twittered she wants to diddle Nicki Minaj:

YOOOO!!!!! @nickiminaj is fuckin stunning in person I couldn't stop staring at her!!!! I would sooooo DO her. Fuck it I can't even lie!!!!12:47 PM Jun 15th from web
Nicki tweet-flirted (fleeted?) back:
@Darealamberrose u look like a barbie doll str8 out da boxxx. I gotta make up a brand new term 4 u...

They really don't need Kanye for this one do they?


  1. I love to eat at the Y.

  2. It stinks in here

  3. Bi-sexuality is the new black

  4. Why is this jumpoff getting so much shine? I can't go a day without reading about her on any of the blogs. All she has ever done is cock open her legs. She has no talent.

  5. Who is Nicky Menage?

  6. ^^^a nobody who is famous for nothing just like Amber Rose.

  7. Amber sure is a rising star. I think it is great she is trying to give another sista a leg up even if it is literally a leg up.

  8. ^^^I don't know if they qualify to be sistas even if they did who wants em. Lets just leave them in the skank hoe category.

  9. Ha ha! A leg up on her shoulders so she can lick that lollipop!

  10. You made my day with these pictures. I'm going to make this my wallpaper.
