Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Here We Go Again...

Racist? Watermelon Soda Sold In Target from All Things Harlem on Vimeo.

This must be a Target "Express" it is the smallest Target I've ever seen.
Also, whenever I have a watermelon soda, this is not my brand...


  1. racist like a muthafugga

    that's a pickaninni on the can!

  2. I don't think this is racist. It's just soda. People try to make a big deal out of every little thing.

  3. they almost had to use a metal detector to find the can, they had an ugly ass cracker kid on the can too!!! where's the outrage there?

  4. Yeah, they had a black kid and a white kid, so they killed their own argument. Was it racist against all people?

  5. This is ridiculous. Don't people have anything better to do with their time?

  6. What the hell is going on? First it was the Black Baby with the monkey doll and headband, now this? Goodness. I know racism is still around but it looks like it subtly picking back up again.
