Friday, June 12, 2009

Monique Says Don't Trip If She Steps Out On Her Man

"We're saying that if by some chance that you hear scandal and you hear that Mo'Nique slept with another man, it won't be a need for a press conference because I'm going to say, 'Why are y'all tripping off that? Because that's what she did. Did she sleep with that man in you?' That's not a deal breaker for myself ... We are logical enough to understand that things like this do happen."


I have no idea what she means by 'sleep with that man in you', but I know Monique has made statements before in Essence (July 2006) about having an open marriage. In Monique's opinion, it isn't cheating if your partner knows about it. It makes you wonder if she was pressured into accepting this swinger arrangement in order to stay married. It also makes you wonder if her self-esteem is really as high as she would have you believe in light of her recent weight loss; she lost the weight because of something her husband said to her, not because of any initial internal motivation.


  1. This is a long assed post but an important topic. Monique is kidding herself. This man is with her for the money and the lifestyle. He ain't interested in her and never was.

  2. like james brown said in Hot Pants....
    "You like hairy legs or you like scary legs?!!"

  3. @ 11:22 I agree.......I think she settled for some bullshit cause she feels she can't do any better.

  4. She calls him her best friend, smh. What best friend would spend up your money lay up in your house then tell you he's going out to fuck some other chick so don't wait up?
