Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Weezy Goes CSI to Beat Weapons Rap

According to the NY Post, Lil' Wayne is hoping a former FBI geneticist will get him off the hook for the .40-caliber semiautomatic cops grabbed from his tour bus near Columbus Circle two years ago. Weezy has hired Bruce Budowle (aka Magnum PI) in hopes of challenging the DNA test that matched him to cells swabbed off the gun.

If you recall, Lil' Wayne is attempting a similar tactic regarding the reliability of the drug sniffing dog which uncovered at a border checkpoint near Dateland, Arizona, nearly 4 ounces of marijuana, more more than 1 ounce of cocaine, 41 grams of ecstasy, drug paraphernalia, $22,000 in cash and a .40-caliber pistol that was registered to Wayne in Florida, where he has a concealed-weapons permit.

1 comment:

  1. Weezy needs to stay off that syrup and take care of his business instead of druggin it up and knocking up jumpoffs.
