Monday, July 6, 2009

Michael Jackson's Memorial Will be Olympian

LAPD is gearing up for tomorrow's memorial to Michael Jackson at the same level they did for the 1984 Olympics. The city has reached out to the Jackson family for assistance in defraying the cost of holding the memorial for almost 18,000 fans, stars, and members of the media.


  1. Erybody want money! I guess they (the Jacksons) should send something but I bet Joe like, "fuck that we should charge them!"

  2. oh yeah, the pay per view is coming, but all of that should have been a hint to hold the event at the OLYMPIC STADIUM-LA Memorial Colesium...

  3. I mean come on. The stars are already performing for free and providing their own personal security. LA is just being greedy. Especially after the way they did Mike when he was alive.

  4. They should have scheduled a funeral procession through the streets for people who couldn't attend. It is the least they can do. People should also schedule other memorial gatherings on their own in public places. Michael loved the people.
