Tuesday, July 7, 2009

All that laying in Kanye's lap really paid off

Amber has been blogging about her fake humility and the need to use her powers for good and not evil.

A few weeks ago, I told Uncle Russ that I do not want to “waste my celebrity,” as my celebrity is a gift to me, my family and the world…not only for me to get ahead, but for others as well. So, I am happy to announce that I have officially signed to the Ford Agency and I am moving to NY to pursue my modeling and acting careers! I am going to be taking acting classes in NY and will pursue the dreams that I have had my entire life. Today, I feel really blessed. I can actually look @ this contract and know that I have made some progress. Proof that when you work hard, good things do happen. I know it is just a piece of paper, but to me that contract represents millions of opportunities that are now before me. Again, it is not just to help me, but so I can make a greater impact around the world. The world is only what you make it…so when you have great opportunities, use them and make your dreams come true!


  1. She does not sound sincere. Ambe3r strikes me as a calculating user.

  2. She does seem like an opportunist. It is unfortunate she thinks she has to use her body to get ahead.
