Saturday, December 19, 2009

John Edwards...YOU ARE THE FATHER...

John Edwards has never admitted to fathering a love child with a one-time staffer, but new legal documents suggest the failed presidential hopeful is the baby's daddy -and may soon have to pay up big-time.

The new documents posted yesterday by detail an ongoing money battle between Edwards and Rielle Hunter, 45, whom Edwards has admitted bedding even as his wife, Elizabeth, discovered she had cancer.

Edwards has never copped to fathering little Frances Quinn Hunter, now almost two years old.

Hunter is seeking more than $17,000 a month from Edwards, a tab that includes some pretty high-end demands, the documents show.

She wants $800 a month for eating out, $400 a month for "club dues and memberships" and $1,200 a month for a security guard - apparently to keep the paparazzi at bay.

She also believes Edwards - who famously paid $400 for a haircut during his presidential run - should pay her $250 a month to trim her and Frances' locks.

The documents emerged at the same time that reports have swirled that Edwards purchased a four-bedroom, $535,000 home for Hunter to live in in Charlotte.

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