Sunday, December 13, 2009

White man drags black woman across bar by her hair

Dustin Meadows, a 37-year-old white man, has been charged with assault and bias-motivated crime in connection with an incident in a Sumit Cove bar. According to reports, Meadows spilled beer on a black female patron while he was dancing. When he did not acknowledge his mistake she said "What, no apology?" According to witnesses, Meadows then began to hurl epithets at her, including calling her a nigger, then he began to drag her across the Cala Inn bar by her hair. The woman lost patches of hair and required medical attention. Meadows has been released on $2500 bail.

Source: Associated Press

1 comment:

  1. This is the stupidest alleged man ever. Nothing the woman did justifies this moron's actions. Rot in hell
