Thursday, December 17, 2009

Whites will no longer be the majority

The U.S. Census has predicted whites will no longer be the majority in the United States of America by 2050 based upon rates of birth, death, and immigration. The U.S. population is currently 308 million; two-thirds of those are non-Hispanic whites. By 2050, the total population should climb to 399 million, under the new projection, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, which is the same or slightly lower than today's percentage. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050. Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent. Figures for Native Americans were not available.


  1. you wont be alive if it happens

  2. Please there will be some kind of anti-white something(disease,immigration changes) that will keep this from happening.
