Thursday, December 3, 2009

If you thought you picked up some steals on Black Friday check this out

Fans of Oceans Eleven and The Italian Job pay attention: this was a crime so well executed, it belongs right up there with those heist films. On July 10, 2009, a man walked into a WalMart store in Orange County, Florida, and within minutes walked out with over $200,000. The man walked into the store mid morning posing as a shopper. He put two boxes into his cart then attached a WalMart nametag to his shirt. Wearing his nametag he walked right past a legitimate employee at the customer service counter, through two sets of doors, and emptied the safe of its contents. He then calmly walked right back out the store with his two boxes full of enough cash to buy several houses in this economy. Time to complete the heist? Six minutes flat.

Watch the video here. And thank you for stealing shopping at WalMart.


  1. that couple who showed up at the WH state dinner had walmart employee tags on too

  2. i don't know if i should be proud or pissed off that he's black. pissed that he had to black and steal, but proud that he was black and smooth and smart enough to pull this off.

  3. Hey this is a recession. People are desperate and Walmart is stealing from us. I don't really blame someone from stealing from Walmart.

  4. you're proud because the thief is black? Normally when I watch the news I'm always hoping the criminal isn't black. Besides, I'm not sure he is black. He seems to have darkened his skin in that video. JMO

  5. i'm proud that he was smart about it and black. while i don't advocate theft at all, people envy and admire the white wall street thieves and act like black people are only smart enough to rob liquor stores. this man had a well thought out and well executed plan. hopefully he'll use that money to start a business or invest.
