Friday, December 4, 2009

Does he get two bags of pretzels?

There's been much debate about how to handle overweight passengers on flights. While some airlines may charge for an extra seat, not all do — and now a flight attendant allegedly snapped a photo on an American Airlines flight and of course it has been leaked to the press.

While it's hard not to feel bad for the passenger, you have to take into account that he's a major safety hazard in an evacuation, a gross inconvenience for the cabin crew, and probably a totally unacceptable traveling companion for the poor guy next to him.

American Airlines did not comment except to say, "We cannot verify the authenticity of that photograph, nor do we know who might have taken the photo. But gotdamn, we would never operate a flight like that with anyone or anything blocking an aisle and not seated properly."


  1. they should just install a single overweight seat and a regular sized seat next to it. while my heart goes out to people that are obese, i feel that as a society, we can't continue to coddle people. you have every right to overeat, but don't expect everyone else to readjust their lives just because you're big. dare i say, insurance companies should even charge extra for obese people, or give a discount for people that are active in the gym. its time for us to start encouraging healthier lifestyles.
    a friend of mine is obese and he said that he's sick of people giving him grief about it, but it's only because they care. i know my homie doesn't want to leave his wife and kids, but it's a real possibility.

  2. It's possible for anyone to leave at any time. You really can't say someone who is 200 lbs is gonna die before someone who is 120. You never know. Now this picture is ridiculous and I'm sure it's fake. He looks like he's what 7 ft tall? Come on people. Photoshop. No one should be allowed to squish anyone else on public transportation, but someone else's thighs are none of your business when they are not bothering you. What kills me is a lot of these comments come from women...who are not 'model thin' shall we say. People who shouldn't talk. I'm not attacking you ^^^ up there because I don't know a thing about you. I'm just saying, a lot of women I know talk trash about other women and try to hide behind that 'I just want everyone to be healthy' stick.

  3. Now of course, no one is going to argue it is healthy to weigh 400 or 500 lbs. I know that. I'm just saying this is another way to make people feel bad about themselves and spend thousands of dollars on shit that doesn't work like pills and lotions and unsafe exercise equipment. For the record I'm a height/weight proportionate male. I just feel other people's pain on this.

  4. He realy does look like some sort of a giant. He should have been seated in first class out of the way of the aisle. I blame the flight attendants.

  5. This is a fake because he couldn't even fit down the aisle.
