Friday, December 11, 2009

What Were They Thinking Award? goes to....The New York Times

Of Color/Stylish Gifts section: you can check it out here if you need the assistance:

A new addition to the NY Times Holiday Gift Guide has caused a minor uproar after some blogs have described it as 'racist'. A section of this year's guide published in November, includes an 'Of Color/Stylish Gifts' page. The first time feature is described by the Times as "gifts created for and by people of color". Critics and media watchdogs have pounced on the paper for publication of a gift recommendation list for non-whites.

The section includes: The Mocha Guide to Military Life, Wise Latina t-shirts, a 'good hair' section and 'Baby Jamz' created by Beyonce and her father described as an 'interactive hip-hop and rhythm-based toy line'.

Now they need to add to that list a place where I can get me a case of orange Nehi, a bucket of cleaned chitlin's, some bean pies, a rum cake, a Tiger Woods holiday dispute shatterproof helmet, some good pastelas and a mail order place so I can send my dad a new Kangol...if you have anything else to add feel free...


  1. Now & Laters, some wave caps, a case of hot sauce, and the good $5 bootlegs.

  2. Bey and her pimp....uh dad with the "interactive hip hop and rhythm base toy line". Ummm.....yeah..ok. *rolls eyes* Get serious.
