Monday, December 28, 2009

What's in a name, JiggaMan?

I have no idea if this is true or not, but it makes an interesting story.  According to the Daily Star newspaper, Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z are planning to legally hyphenate their last names.
The majority of U.S. women still take their husband's last name at marriage, though the custom is waning in popularity in favor of hyphenated last names, the wife keeping her maiden name, and blending last names.
Rather than Beyonce taking on her husband's name after marrying, as is still the custom in the United States, “they want to keep Knowles because Beyonce’s parents didn’t have any sons and they’re keen to keep the name going strong, especially if they don’t produce any children themselves,” a source told the publication. 

If reports are true, Jay-Z will be known as Shawn Knowles-Carter, while Beyonce is to become Beyonce Knowles-Carter.  I'm not really sure how them not having any children of their own will still keep the last name going, but if Jay-Z goes through with this they would definitely be making a strong statement about the balance of power within their relationship.  Jay-Z has become a powerful mogul in a world dominated by machisimo and bravado.  What are your thoughts on the surname conundrum and how it affects the identity of the couple?  Do your opinions change when a couple has children?


  1. Well, I think it would be very brave of him to change his name since it is extremely rare for a man here to change his name.

  2. So are they going to change it back if Matt's baby mama has a boy?
