Thursday, May 28, 2009

Is Jay-Z Jealous Or Just Faking The Funk?

Beyonce talked about her Oscar-worthy performance in the #1 hit blockbuster Obsessed with UK Glamour:

Actually, she does not want to talk about her marriage, but when we ask about the kissing scenes and bed scenes with "hottie" Idris Elba in "Obsessed", her eyes and attitude show a clear "YES" - that Jay didn’t like the scenes at all.

She then states very diplomatically: "I wouldn't like to see it the other way either, but we try to trust each other.

They TRY to trust each other? Perhaps she is telling us more about how she feels than how Jay really feels.


  1. He know he don't care as long as she give him his kids.

  2. I personally like a man that is a little jealous as long as he don't act a fool.

  3. ..she need to do a romantic comedy next with jude law, who gets lost driving around texas and ends up a Beyonce's diner...

  4. She probably needs to put a little more time and energy into their relationship. If she did he wouldn't be so insecure.
